Swedish Coffee Cake Caramels

Swedish Coffee Cake Caramels

I have known how to make caramels for three days and still feel like I just invented fire.  The Salted Mezcal Caramels were a hit with the adults, but the kids didn’t really like them so I told Weezy I’d make some for her friends that were plain vanilla and she could decorate them.  They ended up with so many sprinkles on them that I had to vacuum my kitchen counter when I cleaned up. Continue reading “Swedish Coffee Cake Caramels”

Malted Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal Achievement Unlocked

These are the perfect peanut butter cookie. Malted milk powder to deepen the peanut flavor and temper the sweetness, oatmeal for chew, and the perfect texture (slightly crispy edges and a soft chewy center). Looking for a peanut butter cookie with big peanut flavor that’s not too crumbly, doughy, or sweet? You’re in the right place. These Malted Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies were the result of a lot of experimentation, five batches worth, and this final batch was so yummy my family ate them all up in one day.

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Dark Chocolate Tart with Espresso Whipped Cream

I totally fan-girled last week when I realized my pastry chef crush David Lebovitz had pinned my Earl Grey Lavender Lemon Tart.  To celebrate, I wanted to create a fresh take on the cream-topped tart.  You know those amazing dreams you have when you can fly?  This Dark Chocolate Tart with Espresso Whipped Cream is what your morning coffee dreams it can do.  A chocolate crust, not-too-sweet dark chocolate filling topped with luscious swirls of deep espresso flavored whipped cream.  It’s rich and it’s elegant.  In my house, it’s also breakfast. Continue reading “Dark Chocolate Tart with Espresso Whipped Cream”

Decadent Chocolate Banana Cupcakes

These chocolate banana cupcakes are insanely delicious.  Moist banana cake dipped in dark chocolate then topped with chocolate almond buttercream and a banana chip.  After getting rave reviews for these Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cupcakes, I put my thinking cap on to see if I could come up with a new take on the chocolate-covered cupcake.  This was a no-brainer.  My family says that these are the best cupcakes I have ever made.  They look so appealing and the two kinds of chocolate take it to the next level.  It’s like a decadent version of the classic chocolate chip banana bread. Continue reading “Decadent Chocolate Banana Cupcakes”

Pawpaw Ice Cream


Pawpaw Ice Cream

Pawpaw is the super-yummy native fruit most people have never heard of.  It is the largest fruit native to North America and grows abundantly in midwestern forests.  It’s the only fruit in its family that grows in our temperate climate.  The rest, like the custard apple, are tropical.  And the best, most delicious way to enjoy pawpaw is Pawpaw Ice Cream.

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Cranberry Curd Tart with White Chocolate Mousse and Biscoff Cookie Crust

Cranberry curd tarts have been all the rage since a recipe was posted on NYT Cooking last fall. I wanted to try the curd for my Thanksgiving dessert this year but didn’t want to eat an entire tart full of curd. That just seems like overkill for Thanksgiving.

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Bourbon Butterscotch Pie with Molasses Whipped Cream

Thanksgiving Pie Perfection

My quest for the perfect Thanksgiving pie is over. This Bourbon Butterscotch Pie with Molasses Whipped Cream is going to make you a dessert table hero. Rich and buttery with deep butterscotch flavor, the brown sugar and molasses help cut the sweetness and a crust sturdy enough to resist sogginess. If you’re looking for a non-pie Thanksgiving dessert check out this Cranberry Curd Tart with White Chocolate Mousse, but if you want pie, this is your new best friend.

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Chewy Chocolate Espresso Cookies

I got a little carried away and baked about 2,000 cookies.  It was fun, it was for a good cause and I was into it.  Until about the last hundred.  Around the last 100 I hit a lightly floured wall and just got so sick of my recipes.  I was making mostly Chewy Molasses, Mexican Hot Chocolate and Eggnog Snickerdoodles.  And Orange-Cardamom Snowflakes.  Those are all so good, and so pretty.  So I got to dreaming about a way I could put a twist on one of my most dependable recipes.  And these Chewy Chocolate Espresso Cookies are the result.

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Zinnia Cake

Dramatic enough for a special occasion but simple and quick.  This is a great beginner project if you want to try your hand at cake decorating but don’t want to buy a whole bunch of equipment or take a class.

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Bunny Sugar Cookies-Simple Iced Cookies For Easter

These bunny sugar cookies couldn’t be easier. Use store-bought cookie icing to frost, then sprinkle with sugar to make them fuzzy. I’ve used simple pink and white but you can mix and match any pastels you like to get the perfect assortment.

Bunny Sugar Cookies


Best Bunnies Ever:

I’m a sucker for family traditions.  Somewhere along the way I picked up the belief that if you faithfully repeat the same holiday events, music and recipes year after year your kids will grow up with happy memories of childhood.  I think in my kids’ case, the best I can hope for is Stockholm Syndrome but at least I’m trying.  Bunny sugar cookies are my Easter tradition, no exceptions.  Now that the kids are a bit older I’ve given up on elaborately planned Easter baskets and sugar-sweet Easter egg hunts in matching outfits.  But you’re going to have pry the bunny cookies out of my cold, dead, lightly floured hands. I know you probably think you don’t have the time or creativity or whatever to decorate Easter cookies, but I really think you do.  Continue reading “Bunny Sugar Cookies-Simple Iced Cookies For Easter”